Thank you for checking out SEASONS, a DIGITAL-ONLY fanbook, which compiles exclusive writing, illustrations, and comics from a group of friends who have a lot of feelings for a certain Geto Suguru.The project is loosely themed after the meteorological seasons, representing the seasons of Geto’s life.

  • Blue spring, three years of youth

  • Summer of defection, awakening, self-discovery

  • Fall of the jade, path of no return, happy family

  • Winter of our discontent, death, and rebirth


February 3rd, 2022


Grab a digital copy on gumroad!If you would like a physical copy (64 pg version), our pre-order period is open until July 30th 2022 at bigcartel

Free VersionPaid version
PRICE$0+ (pay what you want)$5+ (pay what you want)
CONTENTS1 Free pdf (70 pags)1 Extended pdf (123 pages), 1 Bonus clownery pdf (64 pages)


What is ‘Seasons’?

‘Seasons’ is a Geto-centric fanbook put together by a group of friends. It follows the seasonal chronology of Geto’s life and consists of both canon and AU content.

Will the fanbook be available in print?

No, the fanbook is digital only.

Is this a project I can apply to?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting outside applications. We don’t have the logistical power to run a full zine project (contributor apps, merch, shipping, etc.). We hope you understand!

Is the fanbook SFW?

Yes - all pieces in the zine are SFW, although some contain depictions of violence on par with Jujutsu Kaisen’s typical levels and imagery.

Are ships included in the fanbook?

Though not featured in every piece, there is some content that includes Satosugu (Gojo/Geto). Overall however, Geto remains the central focus.

Will the fanbook contain manga spoilers?

Yes; as a Geto-centric fanbook, all of the content is based around manga content.

What’s the cost of the fanbook?

There will be two options available: (1) A free, pay-what-you want 50+ page PDF available for anyone to download and view. (2) An extended 100+ page PDF with exclusive fic/art content bundled with a bonus doodle and [twitter poll] portion for $5.

What does it mean by pay-what-you-want?

It means you can pay however much you wish for that product. If that includes tips, that's very much welcomed!

Is the fanbook for-profit or non-profit?

The fanbook is non-profit, though we aim to provide the contributors with a physical copy of their work. Any leftover earnings will be donated to House of Tulip.


Please direct any questions to our curiouscat